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Description and meaning of ATMA colors

Description and meaning of ATMA colors

Welcome to the beautiful world of Atma, where colors not only captivate but also offer healing. In this segment, we delve into the significance of each Atma hue and its profound impact on your life and the world around you. Immerse yourself in a unique spectrum of symbols that transcend the boundaries of the spiritual and physical, and uncover how color can reshape your reality.


Divine Flow.

Embodies the purity of the soul, offering the opportunity to manifest and realize one's inherent best. Facilitates subtle perception and connection with reality, fostering a stable awareness and the sense that "all is well." With its inclusive nature, it tunes individuals subconsciously to the necessary spectrum at any given moment, emanating unconditional love.


The Energy of Love.

Ever-present throughout one's journey, it serves as the guardian of life's vitality. It stirs dormant hearts to love, paves the way for amorous connections, and aids in finding life partners. Red harmonizes the bond between individuals, serving as a beacon of love, and instills a sense of responsibility and justice.

It strikes a balance between love and hatred, joy and anger, while dispelling destructive energies like jealousy, possessiveness, and narcissism. When paired with green Atma, it bridges the gap between the spiritual and material realms, offering earthly love.

Red with silver:

Provides peace of mind when passion overwhelms and relationships collapse.



It signifies intention, concentration, perseverance, and unwavering pursuit of goals without distortion or distraction. It embodies the power to achieve what you set out to do and denotes leadership qualities. It can lead the team when paired with blue or other hues.

Application of Atma: Visualization (place it within view) or carry it with you.



It aligns an individual with space to ensure being "in the right place at the right time." On life's journey, it anticipates crucial moments and enables proper management of personal time allocation, preventing wastage and external interference.

It serves as the pure "fire" for purifying space from external influences such as others' attitudes, programs, and thought forms. It dispels pessimism and infuses positive energy and vitality.

Application of Atma: Visualization (place it within view) or carry it with you.

Orange Silver:

Balances biorhythms and daily routines.

It facilitates the accumulation of energy for current tasks, aids in prioritizing tasks and goals, and breaks the cycle of repetitive, unconstructive life scenarios. It helps release memory from negative energies such as past fears and losses.


Solar radiance!

It provides strength, determination, and a positive outlook. Strengthens the human field structure, dispelling despondency and melancholy. Inspires teamwork and productivity, facilitating the realization of plans and nurturing endeavors. It serves as a guardian of pregnancy, removing self-doubt and fostering good fortune. It aids in clarifying desires and goals, eliminating attachment to generational patterns and behavioral scripts. It infuses space with the revitalizing energy of the sun, particularly beneficial in winter or northern regions, enhancing adaptation.

Application of Atma: Visualization (place it within view) or carry it with you. Place it in the northern part of the room.


Abundance energy. Be prosperous and content!

It fills the heart with joy and attracts financial abundance. It instills an appreciation for material wealth and tangible possessions while liberating from attachments, especially when paired with violet Atma. It promotes generosity, mercy, and the notion of working with love, receiving dignified compensation, and giving generously to others. It fosters heartfelt love and friendship.

Blue with gold:

Aligns with the divine realm.

Facilitates self-expression, creativity, decency, and intelligence, fostering honor and conscience. Establishes a connection with angels, enabling individuals to articulate their desires, hopes, and aspirations at a soul level. It guides individuals on their personal path towards knowledge, understanding, and the manifestation of pure desires. It aids in forming supportive friendships and identifies potential adversaries. If plans diverge from fate, blue Atma gently redirects or transforms them.

Blue with silver:

Pure health energy flow.

Induces peace and harmony within every cell of the human body, promoting balance in the immune system and harmonizing emotions and willpower. It restores equilibrium to an individual's unhealthy energy field.


Clarity of consciousness and intellect.

Enhances the ability to communicate information effectively, facilitating comprehension and articulation. Assists in setting objectives, planning resource allocation, and negotiating constructively. Provides internal guidance on what, when, and how to communicate, as well as discerning between priorities. It fosters loyalty, honesty, and protects against information interception. It regulates and restores sleep patterns.


Spiritual radiance.

Promotes divine harmony, aiding in self-discovery and spiritual advancement. Emphasizes the conscious experience of being human and reinforces self-worth. Enhances the charisma and appeal of an individual's ideas and mindset. Guides individuals on the path of dharma, helping them gain strength, spiritualize experiences, and embody divine love. It safeguards against external interference in the human energy body, assists in breaking bad habits, and fosters insights and epiphanies.

Brown (gold):

Guardian of prosperity.

Preserves and augments acquired and inherent wealth, safeguarding life resources and paving the way for financial success. Generates a financial reservoir.


Neutralizes energy-informational viruses and detrimental mental constructs.

Aligns and rectifies karmic programs such as greed, deceit, envy, and anger, fostering harmony and trust in relationships and dispelling conflicts. It rescues individuals from states of loss and alleviates mental strain.

Brown Gold:

Facilitates the acquisition of information (for practitioners).

Assists in identifying and deciphering karmic issues and tasks, aiding in finding solutions.

Decodes received information for regressologists, tarot readers, and healers. Facilitates trance states, enabling easy entry and safe exit. It allows for deep exploration of the past and foresight into future life trajectories. Essential protection for karmologists during work (mandatory for home use).

For trance: visualization.

For fieldwork: place hand on the Atma or keep it nearby during the process.


Symbolizes authority and image.

Promotes discipline, both internally and externally, and imbues words with weight and specificity. Encourages nobility and integrity derived from self-discipline and personal growth. Enhances the internal core, influences image and style in external appearance, and signifies a managerial position. Provides men with reasonable severity and confidence, while bestowing women with wisdom, loyalty, tolerance, and calmness.


Symbolizes unconditional love and family safety, as well as beauty.

Represents deep, pure love that acknowledges the divine essence within individuals. Strengthens bonds between loved ones and between individuals and the divine. Enhances the heart's ability to perceive the world with sweetness. Facilitates smoother and purer relationships by extricating individuals from karmic traps. Shields male energy from external threats and nurtures self-love and care for the body. Enhances inner beauty and its outward manifestation, fostering a desire for self-care and providing the necessary resources. Fosters spiritual and sexual energy in the heart chakra, enhancing a woman's desirability.


Represents tenderness and pure, selfless love.

Acts as a talisman in families, especially for young couples, fostering a desire to give and receive love and expand the family. Facilitates the building and maintenance of relationships through tenderness and care. Encourages parents to be more attentive and sensitive to their children and fosters trusting relationships within the family.


Symbolizes the connection between the spiritual and material worlds, and spiritual beauty.

Facilitates the flow of spiritual energy between individuals and the divine, ensuring that desires and prayers are heard and realized in the best form. Protects against external influences on character and personal development, as well as against information reading and manipulation of will and consciousness. Infuses homes with subtle divine energy, enabling individuals to attune to this frequency.

Lilac Silver:

Enhances the ability to accept fate, events, and oneself.

Protects against erroneous decisions and thoughts, enabling individuals to navigate life's challenges. Encourages spiritual and mental humility, promoting life and karmic balance. Diminishes excessive sensitivity and fosters self-advocacy guided by conscience. Brings joy from fulfilling one's life purpose.


Symbolizes travel and exploration.

Opens roads and pathways, removes obstacles and delays, and facilitates journeys toward any goal. Provides guidance through dreams and insights from the unconscious, serving as a bridge between worlds and incarnations. Promotes peace within and fosters brotherly and sisterly love among all individuals. Injects energy, variety, and openness into the home environment while respecting individuality and personal boundaries.


Promotes mental clarity and focus.

Alleviates fears and anxieties stemming from information overload, while preventing distractions and restoring neural connections. Enhances communication between the brain's hemispheres and revitalizes cognitive functions. Counteracts self-doubt and instills confidence in decision-making. Induces a sense of calmness and gratitude. This energy is innate to animals, as they operate without ego constraints.

Mint Silver:

Provides guidance when feeling lost in time and space.

Facilitates concentration and comprehension in challenging situations. Shields against spiritual disturbances and enhances intuition and perception. Restores mental clarity and redirects attention inward.


Manifests desires and wishes.

Adapts to individual needs, providing the necessary energy at any given moment. Illuminates space and uplifts mood. A double rainbow Atma neutralizes harmful human influences across all realms.

Root Atma:

Symbolizes material completeness and the essence of life.

Fosters resilience, stability, and connection to ancestral heritage. Facilitates the flow of love through the heart and its materialization. Empowers individuals to embrace the richness of life and harmoniously manage various energies. Balances the four elements and represents the fifth element, space.

Black and White:

Serves as a universal protector and life-saver.

Transmutes negative energies into positive ones, providing therapeutic benefits and safeguarding against external negativity. Applied under rugs or near doorways, it purifies living spaces and alleviates bodily discomfort.

Atma Cube:

Balances temporal, mental, and financial energies.

Activates specific aspects of life based on the predominant color. Orange enhances punctuality and timeliness, blue augments mental acuity and communication skills, while green attracts material wealth. Placed strategically or carried, it aligns with individual needs and tasks, ensuring harmonious energy distribution.