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Unlocking Holistic Wellness: The Power of Atma for Health

Unlocking Holistic Wellness: The Power of Atma for Health

In a world where well-being and health are of paramount importance, the journey to holistic wellness often takes many forms. Atma, a profound symbol representing the mandala of the Universe, emerges as a powerful tool for enhancing health and vitality. In this blog post, we delve into the Health Atma Package, exploring how it can unlock the potential for a healthier, more balanced life.

Understanding the Health Atma Package

This package offers three variations: the Basic Set, the Extended Set, the Mental Health set allowing you to choose the specific colors that resonate with your health needs.

  • White Atma
  • Black Atma
  • Blue Atma

    2. Extended Set (All Chakras):

    A full spectrum of colors corresponding to the Chakra system

    Using Atma for Health:

    Atma provides a simple yet potent technique for enhancing your well-being. Here's how to use it effectively:

    Place Your Feet on the Black Atma: Without shoes, step onto the Black Atma, as depicted in the picture. This step is integral to energetically cleanse your body, clearing away negative influences, and restoring your natural balance.

      Rest Your Hands on the White Atma: Follow the drawing and position your hands on the White Atma. This step complements the process of energetic cleansing and adds an extra layer of purification to your body.

        Focus on the Blue Atma: To enhance the harmonization of your immune system, either gaze at the Blue Atma or apply it to your chest area.

          By following this straightforward yet profound routine, you allow the Black and White Atma to work their magic, cleansing and harmonizing your energy. The Blue Atma, in particular, focuses on strengthening your immune system, a vital aspect of overall health.

          Extended Set with Chakra Colors & Atmas

          For those seeking a more in-depth alignment of their body's energy centers, the Extended Set offers an array of colors that mirror the Chakra system. As depicted in the picture, these colors bring holistic well-being into your life, balancing your physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects.

          To improve health and maintain a health program, place the Atma vertically in accordance with each Chakra (red under the sacrum, ... purple under the head). You can also place a black and white Atma under your feet, and a white one above your head. Lie on your back, enjoying the process until you feel comfortable.

          If problems arise with a particular organ or system, use the corresponding color of the Chakra by applying Atma to the body, directing the drawing towards it or simply holding it in sight.

          Muladhara chakra (basic, root). Red Atma
          Physiological correspondence: Blood, skeleton, muscles, teeth, nails, small and large intestines, adrenal glands, coccygeal nerve plexus, gonads. Responsible for regeneration processes, growth, healing of fractures.

          Emotions: fear and courage.
          Spiritual aspect: self-awareness, security and trust.

          Svadhisthana chakra (pubic, splenic, sacral) Orange Atma
          Physiological correspondence: coccygeal and lumbar spine, immune system, genitourinary system, small intestine, gall bladder, stomach, pancreas, lymph, skin, all body fluids (blood, lymph, bile, gastric juice, saliva, sperm, intercellular liquid).

          Emotions: stinginess, friendliness. Frankness.
          Spiritual aspect: self-respect and dignity. Relationships with other people.

          Manipura chakra (umbilical, solar plexus chakra). Yellow Atma.
          Physiological correspondence: lumbar and lower thoracic spine, joints, muscle tone, pancreas, spleen, liver, adrenal cortex, diaphragm, abdominal cavity as a whole, skin, autonomic nervous system. Thermoregulation. Removing harmful substances from the body.

          Emotions: Anger, guilt, uselessness, regret. Personal needs assessment.
          Spiritual aspect: Self-esteem, awareness of one's own individuality and uniqueness, importance and significance.

          Anahata chakra (heart). Green Atma.
          Physiological correspondence: Skeleton, thoracic spine, chest, heart, blood vessels, blood, lymph, blood flow, lymph nodes, lower part of the lungs, mammary glands, thymus gland, immune system.

          Emotions: Bitterness, pain, joy, generosity, sincerity. Unconditional love.
          Spiritual aspect: Self-love. Understanding of all-encompassing love and harmony.

          Vishuddha chakra (throat) Blue Atma
          Physiological correspondence: cervical and upper thoracic spine, cervical and brachial plexuses, hypoglossal nerve, vagus nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve, arms, jaws, lips, hearing organs, neck, throat, trachea, bronchi, upper lungs, vocal apparatus, esophagus , stomach, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, thymus gland, lymphatic and immune systems.

          Emotions: Freedom, disappointment, inner peace, (purity).
          Spiritual aspect: self-expression, ability to accept change.

          Ajna chakra (frontal, brow) Blue Atma
          Physiological correspondence: skull, organs of vision (especially the left eye), hearing, sense of smell, central and peripheral nervous system, bone marrow, pituitary gland, pineal gland (partially).

          Emotions: Clarity, confusion. Equilibrium.
          Spiritual aspect: Responsibility for oneself, Knowledge of Life, harmony with the cosmos.

          Sahasrara chakra (crown, crown). Violet Atma (or White)
          Physiological correspondence: Brain, cerebral cortex, skull, right eye and pineal gland.

          Emotions: Calm, despair.
          Spiritual aspect: self-awareness, integrated understanding of the Universe.

          (Physiological compliance, in the context of the chakras, should be understood as ensuring, strengthening and controlling processes at all energy-information levels: etheric, astral, mental, karmic, intuitive.)

          3. Mental Health Atma

          Our Atma Mental Health package is crafted to support mental well-being, offering solace in the face of modern challenges. Tailored with mental health at its core, this kit is designed to aid individuals in finding inner peace and achieving both physical and mental equilibrium.

          - For states of depression, melancholy, and apathy, we recommend the following set: White, Brown with gold, Lilac, and Turquoise. Arrange the composition as depicted in the photo, with the white Atma positioned at the top. This arrangement facilitates the restoration of the unity between spirit and body (white Atma), especially during moments when one withdraws inwardly and experiences apathy towards life. It effectively dispels all negative aspects that contribute to such feelings (brown and lilac) and restores a harmonious zest for life and inspiration (Turquoise).

          - In times of stress and anxiety, we suggest combining Brown with silver and Brown with gold. Place them together, with the gold Atma positioned upward, alongside black and white Atmas folded together. Determine which pair to place on the right and left based on personal feeling, as it depends on which hemisphere of the brain is more stimulated. The white Atma provides an influx of energy, the black one prevents the onset of new anxiety waves, while the brown Atmas offer steadfast calmness and protection.

          - For panic attacks, utilize the Blue with gold, White, and small black Atma from the Tree of Life set. Place the blue and white Atmas together, applying them to the chest, with one hand resting on the white Atma and holding the small black one in the other until calmness ensues. It's advisable to carry these Atmas at all times and place them at home, with the large Tree of Life serving as a potent anchor to prevent attacks. Position the tree in a visible location, either facing your back to align the energy of will or facing you to align the energy of emotions, thus mitigating the buildup and onset of panic attacks.

          A Journey to Holistic Wellness

          The Health Atma Package empowers you to take charge of your well-being. Whether you opt for the simplicity of the Basic Set or the holistic potential of the Extended Set, Atma provides a gateway to better health and vitality.

          In a world where health is an ever-evolving journey, the power of Atma brings an age-old symbol to life. Unlock holistic wellness and embark on a path towards a healthier, more balanced, and ultimately happier you. Experience the transformative energy of Atma, and discover the profound benefits it can bring to your health and vitality.

          It's time to embrace the potential for holistic wellness with Atma. Start your journey today, and unlock the power of a healthier, happier, and more balanced life.